

Client: FCC Environment / Hitachi Zosen Inova

Project: Greatmoor Energy from Waste facility

Duration: 31 months

Date: November 2013 – June 2014

FCC wanted a viewing portal to keep local residents and funders abreast of the progress on the site of their 22 megawatt Energy from Waste facility.

We were brought in as they needed a supplier with a long-term solar option, due to the lack of power in the position where they wanted the camera.  We installed a dedicated 6m CCTV tower and solar setup in a positon where they could capture the whole facility from an advantageous perspective.

The facility has an annual waste handling capacity of 300,000 tonnes and is capable of serving 36,000 households.

We were subsequently commissioned by Hitachi Zosen Inova to document the construction of a 34 megawatt energy recovery facility in Bristol.

Sector case studies

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